As the late Dan Poynter never missed an opportunity to remind us: people do judge books by their covers.
And they will decide to buy your book based, in part, on its title.
You need to create a title that resonates with your audience.
I have pulled together several techniques to create great titles for your book and chapters.
But first I ask you to answer these questions to unleash your creativity:
- What is your book’s big promise?
- What problem does your book solve?
Write your answers down now.
I’ll wait.
All done?
These answers will help you create your title with tactics we can review together.
For now, start with a working title based on those answers.
If you create a great title on your first try, you’d be like a golfer who hits a hole in one.
It happens, but rarely.
Don’t waste time trying to create the perfect title when you begin to write.
Don’t stop writing because you are stuck thinking of a title either.
Simply write a title.
It’s okay if you don’t love it; you can change it later.
Write down a working title now.
Do it.
Put it on a Post-It Note and tack it to your monitor.
Know that I’m here for you – let’s talk about it.
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