Our Laser-Focused, On-Demand Video Training Courses Help You Write Your Book In A Flash.
A Message From:
Dan Janal, Founder of PR LEADS to Profits
Dear Fellow Entrepreneur,
Are you an experienced published author looking for tips and guidance to make your next book even better?
Perhaps you’re in the process of writing your book, feeling a little stuck, and looking for a quick version of the paint-by-numbers blueprint?
Maybe you’re considering writing a book, wanting to test the waters and see what’s involved before you dive in?
Or, you just love having on-demand video training at your fingertips, available 24/7/365?
While developing the Write Your Book In A Flash system, I created and hosted a series of trainings to share my discoveries with the general public and answer the frequently-asked-questions of my top book coaching clients.
Now, I’ve collated these resources for you to dive in today.
All of our courses are housed inside a top-secret Members’ Area. Just select the course(s) you like, complete your secure registration online, and you’ll be directed to begin watching immediately.
(If you have questions or need assistance, I’m just an e-mail away – daniel@prleads.com.)

INTRODUCING: The Complete Book Writing Training Series
(Save 50% When You Act Now!)
Consider this the “whole enchilada” if you’re ready to take a bold step and move forward today. It includes ALL of the training courses listed down further on this page (and saves you BIG vs. purchasing each of the courses separately).
With this complete training series, in just a few short hours’ time, you will have mastered the following:
Not only will you have your access to all 11 modules so you can go at your own pace, you’ll also be able to book a live call with me to get your questions answered and help decide which direction you want to go in creating your own book – in a flash.
(Video as well as downloadable audio versions of all modules included – learn “on-the-go” while driving or jogging if you choose!)
Just $197 for the entire package (LIMITED TIME ONLY).
Includes a 1-year, money-back guarantee.