In my training on How to Write the Book Your Readers Want to Read, attendees asked many interesting questions.

I’m going to share the questions and answers in a series of posts, starting with this one.

Here are few questions and answers:

Question: I have ideas for two books. Should I follow my passion? Or should I write the business book that will get me clients?

Great question!

Do you follow your passion, or do you create a lead generating magnet for your business?

Only you can decide.

Let me raise a key point that only you can answer: Do you have a passion for each project?

It will take a LOT of work to create the book and then market it.

If you don’t have a passion for the project, you’ll probably burn out at some point.

Question: How can I best leverage existing content?

Part of the answer depends on what goals you have for the book.

If you want to publish a book quickly and not create new content, then the simple answer is to take your blog posts and articles and work with a developmental editor.

Together, decide which ones should be in the book, in which order, and how much should they be revised.

A developmental editor can help add perspective that you don’t have.

Question: I have too much material and get overwhelmed. How do you get through to a focused plan?

Great question! I actually cover that in my book, Write Your Book in a Flash.

It all starts with a very detailed outline — and a clear focus on what the reader needs.

Remember that your book doesn’t have to be the encyclopedia of your topic.

It should be enough to position you properly so the reader gets to know, like and trust you — and get real benefit from reading the book whether they engage you or not.

NEXT: More questions from people just like you!

If you would like a no-cost book strategy session, I would love to do that.

Please click here to schedule one.

I’m looking forward to helping you.
