The Hotel Room Test
Could you write your book off the top of your head?
Book coach, developmental editor, and ghostwriter Dan Janal has written over a dozen landmark books, including 6 for John Wiley & Sons, that have been translated into 6 languages.
He is a serial entrepreneur and inspiring business keynote speaker who helps entrepreneurs realize their dreams of creating a successful business, leading a balanced life, and achieving financial freedom. You will also find him frequently on webinars, podcasts, and radio shows.
Dan Janal probably the only person who created 8 different businesses that make $100,000 a year by using 8 different business models.
He has spoken on marketing topics and futurism in six countries and four continents and has taught at Berkeley and Stanford. He's one of the most creative, problem-solving persons you’ve ever encountered.
And now, Dan has created the paint-by-numbers system for writing the book of your dreams, available through live support or on-demand training.
Could you write your book off the top of your head?
Let's do a reframe.
See what a developmental editor who has a marketing background does for you.
See for yourself how to take these steps in specific detail.
Have you tried this tactic? What were your results?
Do it the right way, so prospects believe your reviews.
See what a fantastic guy he really is.
Don't give up. Just one more thing might do it.
Use this checklist before sending the book to beta readers and editors.
Follow the 6-Step Success Stories™ process.