Do you blog?
Could you blog?
Then you can write a book.
Thoughtful blogs transformed into a book will position you as a thought leader.
People who like page-turning fiction and other shortform writing like this writing style.
A book composed of blog posts is almost as easy to produce as a tweets or tips book because once again, you have already created the content.
It’s longer, but it could be finished in just a few days.
You will need to create text and edit material for style and to fit on pages.
You might decide to divide a long post into shorter ones, so they are easier to read.
For example, instead of creating one long chapter on “Ten Ways to Write a Book,” you might create two chapters—one called “Five Ways to Write a Book” and another called “Five More Ways to Write a Book.”
Many thought leaders I work as a book coach with have done just that.
One of my clients, Lisa M. Anderson, created a book from her blog posts, I’ve Been Thinking: Turning Everyday Interactions into Profitable Opportunities.
She told me it was a relatively easy process.
She rewrote some posts to provide even more information.
Her posts varied in length.
She wanted them all to be nearly the same size for the book, so she added information to some and trimmed others.
Then she decided to hire a copy editor to polish her work.
See, you can use Write Your Book in a Flash to develop your content marketing strategy.
Another client who used blogs for her book, Kris Putnam-Walkerly, won several awards for her book, Confident Giving: Sage Advice for Funders.
The awards prove that blog-based books can carry credibility and accolades for authors.
Then you have Adam Hommey, actually a member of my team rather than a developmental editing client.
As a guest on my Top Business Leaders Podcast, Adam revealed how he created Groundhog Day is an Event, Not a Business Strategy, mostly by blogging once a day for 90 days, then organizing the posts into chapters.
Although Richard Carlson did not write blogs when he created the best-selling book Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff, it might be the perfect book for you to model.
Each chapter is blog size, about 600 words.
If you are a prolific blogger, you may have enough content to create multiple books.
Rather than publish all your content directly from your blog, you might want to talk to an editor or book coach to determine which topics your readers or prospects want to read in book format.
An outside perspective might help you get focused and provide more value.
In the next installment, we’ll look at the Level 3 Book: Remix Curated Content Speeches/Transcripts Book.
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